Marci S.

Marci S.
I have been desperately looking for ways to improve the quality of my life. I began chiropractic care because of many health concerns including arthritis and C.O.P.D.. My lower back, especially, sometimes caused so much distress that even riding the bus would be too pain-ridden to attempt. I have had many chiropractic experiences in several locations and they pale in comparison to the exquisite treatment provided here. I would settle for mediocre results because some relief is better than none. Words do not do justice to this office–the most wonderful place! My progress has been so great, that I could barely believe it myself! My back hurt all the time and now after 4 weeks, there are times where I forget that I had such difficulty. I go out more than I used to, and when I do, I have a better experience. The feelings of "dread" have vanished. It's amazing. I am very happy. On top of feeling so much better, the staff here is so amazing! I feel very good about myself because of this office–which is a beautiful place, in its own right, but has heart and soul–as much as you care to take in.