
Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy | Universal Wellness Source

The Benefits of Chiropractic During Pregnancy

Who do you know who is pregnant?

Pregnancy is a time of joy and exciting anticipation, but for some the experience is colored by pain and discomfort. During pregnancy women undergo many structural and hormonal changes. These changes effect the spine, nerves, joints, ligaments, connective tissues, center of gravity and stability.

Chiropractic care ensures the spinal column, pelvis and related structures are balanced, moving easily and free of vertebral subluxations. When free of vertebral subluxations, the mother-to-be experiences a greater level of comfort and can better handle the rigor of childbirth.

The benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy:

There are many things pregnant women worry about: staying pregnant, carrying the baby to full term, morning sickness, the baby developing normally, backaches, leg pain and if their labor will be safe and (hopefully) easy.

Can chiropractic care help ease their minds? Chiropractic care helps pregnant and birthing women in a number of ways. Spinal adjustments on pregnant women provide corrective care which help maintain pregnancy, control vomiting during pregnancy, deliver full-­term infants with ease and produce healthier infants.

It also improves the baby’s birth position. Pre-natal chiropractic techniques release stress on the pelvis and uterus, helping the unborn child to turn and position itself properly for a healthy birth presentation.

Advising expecting mothers

Doctors of chiropractic can also offer nutrition, ergonomic, and exercise advice to help a woman enjoy a healthy pregnancy. Nearly all drugs and medications can cause fetal damage or malformations. It is important for pregnant women to avoid them as much as possible.

Chiropractic’s drug-free approach is why it is valued during pregnancy. Chiropractic care can also help after childbirth. In the eight weeks following labor and delivery, the ligaments that loosened begin to tighten up again. Joint problems brought on during pregnancy should be treated before the ligaments return to their pre-pregnancy state. This will prevent muscle tension, headaches, rib discomfort, and shoulder problems.

Contact a chiropractor for information about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy.

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Tackling Headaches with Chiropractic

Tackling Headaches with Chiropractic

Spinal manipulations reduce side effects

If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. Research shows that spinal manipulation—the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic—may be an effective treatment option for migraines, tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck. A report released in 2009 by researchers at the Duke University Evidence-­‐Based Practice Center in Durham, NC, found that spinal manipulation resulted in almost immediate improvement for those headaches that originate in the neck, and had significantly fewer side effects and longer-­‐lasting relief of tension-­‐type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.

What Can You Do?

The ACA suggests the following:

  • If you spend a large amount of time in one fixed position, such as in front of a computer, on a sewing machine, typing or reading, take a break and stretch every 30 minutes to an hour. The stretching should take your head and neck through a comfortable range of motion.
  • Ÿ Low-impact exercise may help relieve the pain associated with primary headaches. However, if you are prone to dull, throbbing headaches, avoid heavy exercise.
  • Engage in such activities as walking and low-­‐impact aerobics. Ÿ Avoid teeth clenching. The teeth should never touch, except when swallowing. Ÿ This results in stress at the temporomandibular joints (TMJ)—the two joints that connect your jaw to your skull—leading to TMJ irritation and a form of tension headaches. Ÿ
  • Drink at least eight 8-­‐ounce glasses of water a day to help avoid dehydration, which can lead to headaches.

What Can a Doctor of Chiropractic Do?

Your doctor of chiropractic may do one or more of the following if you suffer from a primary headache:

  • Ÿ Perform chiropractic adjustments to improve spinal function and alleviate stress. Ÿ
  • Provide nutritional advice, recommending a change in diet and perhaps the addition of supplements. Ÿ
  • Offer advice on posture, ergonomics (work postures), exercises and relaxation techniques.

This advice should help to relieve the recurring joint irritation and tension in the muscles of the neck and upper back.

If you’re experiencing headaches contact us for a consultation. 

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Non-Allergen Causes of Asthma | Universal Wellness Source

Non-Allergen Causes of Asthma

Chiropractic aids in asthma relief

Allergens aren’t the only culprit of asthma attacks. Stress factors such as moving to a new home, or changing jobs may induce or aggravate attacks. Even emotional expressions such as fear, anger, frustration, hard crying, or laughing can cause an attack.

Alternative treatments should be incorporated into the treatment program to reduce the patient’s stress level. These treatments improve the patient’s quality of life. Various relaxation techniques include: biofeedback, meditation, yoga, stress management, massage, chiropractic manipulation, breathing exercises, and acupuncture can be helpful.

Asthma is one of the leading causes of chronic and acute illnesses in children.

Chemical allergens such as pollen, animals, dust, exposure to cold and other stress factors can trigger an attack. Onset usually appears in the first five years of life. This was verified in a study conducted by the Michigan Chiropractic Council (MCC). A panel of doctors who tested the qualitative and quantitative effectiveness of chiropractic care on children with asthma.

The study, conducted between May and June of 2006, examined the effectiveness of chiropractic in correcting the cause of asthma in patients from birth to age 17. Prior to the study participants were experiencing more than four attacks per day. After 30 days of chiropractic health care, patients averaged only one attack, with use of medications decreasing nearly 70 percent.

The study involved more than 70 chiropractors from 62 cities in Michigan, and 80 children suffering from asthma. Chiropractic wellness helps asthmatics by correcting the subluxation that correlates to the nerve supply needed for lung function. Change someone’s life, one breath at a time.

Suffering from asthma? Schedule an appointment with one of our doctors and get relief today!

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